Price calculator
$ 2.60 per room a month
How many rooms in your hotel?
Interactive Front desk, room booking, check-in/check-out option, room upgrade, room maintenance, taxes setting, discounts, customers, console.
Booking search, categories, accommodations, billing plans, room rates, services, multilevel filtering in tables and basic occupancy reports

Accounts and payments
Hotel accounts, settlement accounts, payments, cash vouchers etc., saving and printing

Sending confirmation to the guest’s е-mail
Booking confirmation, drawing up of bills, confirmation of payment receipt, Pre-Arrival & Post-Stay Emails.

Group booking
This module allows for the calculation of the amount of accommodation and additional services, create billings for a whole group of guests and for individual group members.

Channel Manager
Channel Manager updates the data in all booking channels by XML communication and automatically controls the price rate and availability both saving time and preventing hotel overbooking. Certified two-way communication ensures a high level of synchronization whilst importing data for all online booking channels simultaneously.

Online booking management
The possibility of online booking for your hotel. Integrating online booking from your website – all the necessary data comes straight from the hotel program.

Payment and service terms
- To start working complete the application and send the signup request.
- We guarantee your money back in first 30 days should our product not meet your needs
- Subscription service is paid upfront. Should required payment be missing on corresponding accounting period start we reserve the right to disable your product temporarily.

Price for 30 rooms
- Min price – around $ 30
- Unlimited users
- 2 way synchronization
- No commission fee
- SSL encrypted connection
- Amazon Web Services
- 24/7 Support
PMS Cloud
- Full automation of the hotel operation
- Possibility of automatic billing
- Sending booking confirmation
- Changes in rates, prices, information on the rooms in a few clicks
- Synchronization with OTA channels
- Control over all operations
- Personal data protection
- It Works on any Computer, Tablet, or Smart Phone
- Our Product is Suitable with all Operating Systems. All you require Is an Internet Connection